Cutting Activities for Preschoolers: Foster Fine Motor Skills and Creativity

Unrecognizable Kid Cutting Paper Rockets
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Teaching young children to cut with scissors is an important skill to develop. Learning this skill benefits their fine motor development and eye-hand coordination. It is also a great way for them to be creative and express themselves.

There are a lot of scissor skills activities for preschoolers that you can do at home to help your child practice cutting skills. Consider making the process a fun learning experience by turning it into a game or challenge.

Children can cut out a blank piece of paper or look for unusual items to use for cutting out, or they can make amazingly innovative crafts. You can also lay out a collection of different materials for your child to choose from and see what they come up with. Let their creative juices run wild!

Benefits of Learning Cutting Activities for Preschoolers

Once your child has learned how to cut, there is a myriad of benefits that they can experience. These benefits can be:

  • Physical
  • Mental
  • Emotional

Physical Benefits

Develops Fine Motor Skills

As your child practices cutting, they will be developing their fine motor skills.

Muscles of hands and fingers allow children to have precise movements of the hands and fingers to help them with tasks such as writing and tying their shoes.

With practice, your child will be able to develop fine motor strength and control.

Helps With Hand-Eye Coordination

In order to successfully cut out a shape, your child will need to have good coordination between their eyes and their hands.

Cutting activities can help to improve this coordination and help them to successfully perform tasks such as catching a ball, riding a bike, or threading a needle.

Improves Scissor Skills

a group of scissors and pens in a cup

As your child practices cutting, their scissor skills will also improve. This includes learning how to hold the scissors correctly, how to open and close them, and how to make smooth cuts.

Developing these skills can help your child with other tasks such as opening a door, cutting food, or using a stapler.

The more children cut, the better their scissor skills will become.

Mental Benefits

Helps With Concentration and Focus

When your child is engaged in a cutting activity, they will need to concentrate on what they are doing in order to be successful.

This concentration and focus can help to improve their attention span and also help them to learn how to block out distractions.

Encourages Creativity

Activities with cutting can also encourage your child’s creativity. As they experiment with different materials and techniques, they will be able to create unique and interesting projects.

This creativity can also help them to problem-solve and think outside the box.

Improves Visual Tracking & Perception Skills

When cutting, children need to visually track, they will develop their scissor skills.

They will learn how to hold the scissors correctly and how to make different types of cuts such as straight, curved, and zigzag.

As your child looks at the paper or material they are cutting, they will need to perceive the shape or design in order to cut it out correctly.

This visual perception can help them to better understand the world around them and also improve their memory and recall skills.

Enhances Problem-Solving Skills

When kids practice cutting activities, they will need to use problem-solving skills in order to figure out how to best use the materials, how to make the cuts, and how to put the pieces together.

These problem-solving skills can help them in other areas of their life, such as school and work.

Emotional Benefits

girl smiling while lying on grass field at daytime

Builds Self-Confidence

As your child becomes more successful with their cutting skills, they will start to feel more confident in themselves. This increased self-confidence can lead to improved social skills and a positive outlook on life.

This way, you can work on challenging projects together and help them to feel proud of their accomplishments.

Encourages Patience and Persistence

Cutting activities can be an extra challenge for children, especially at the beginning. As your child persists through the challenges and learns to cut shapes successfully, they will develop patience and persistence.

These qualities can help them in other areas of their life, such as schoolwork and sports.

Reduces Stress and Anxiety

Cutting activities can also be therapeutic for children. The act of cutting can help to reduce anxiety levels to help them feel stress-free and more relaxed.

This can be a great idea for your child to unwind after a long day at school or before bedtime and can help to improve their overall mood.

Materials for Cutting Practice

One of the great things about cutting activities is that they can be done with a variety of materials. Below are some ideas to get you started.

Colored Paper

This is a verti material for younger children to practice cutting. You can cut out different shapes for them to trace or let them free-cut.


This is a little thicker than construction paper and can be good for older children or those who are ready for a challenge.

Encourage your child to cut out straight or curved lines.

Craft Foam

These are great for kids who need a little extra help with cutting. The foam is easy to cut and can help kids to make straight lines.

Cereal Boxes

Kids often like to cut out pictures of legos or their favorite food items from the cereal boxes. This can be a fun way for them to practice cutting on a curve.

Paper Plate

Kids can cut out different shapes from a paper plate. This is a great way to recycle materials and can be used for a variety of projects.


Older kids can practice cutting out pictures or words from magazines. They can also make collages with the pieces they cut out.


You can use washi tape, duct tape, or masking tape for cutting activities. Kids can practice cutting around the tape or on the lines.


Cutting the curling ribbon can be a fun challenge for kids. You can encourage them to cut streamers for parties or other celebrations.

Junk Mail

Kids can practice cutting out coupons or other items from junk mail. This is a great way to recycle materials and can be used for creating a variety of crafts including art projects that are perfect for kids.

Play Dough

Play dough can be used to make cutting activities more fun. It allows kids to practice cutting and can be used to make different shapes.

Also, cutting play dough is a fun and easy way to help kids develop their fine motor skills.

Pipe Cleaners

Pipe cleaners are great for kids to practice cutting. They can be used to make different shapes and can also be cut into pieces to create a variety of crafts.


Encourage kids to cut slime with a knife or use cookie cutters to make different shapes. This is a great sensory activity.

There are endless possibilities when it comes to the materials and cuts that you can use. Just make sure to supervise your child and help them when needed.

Different Types of Scissors

Children's Scissors On The Table

It is, of course, important to introduce scissors to your child as they practice cutting. A good pair of scissors can provide your child with comfort while practicing cutting.

Regular scissors or safety scissors both work as hand scissors well. You can also find specialty scissors such as left-handed scissors or foam craft scissors.

It’s important to provide a left-handed option close scissors for those who are left-handed. In essence, find the best scissors for your child and their level of skill.

Preschool teachers often use paper plates to help their students practice cutting skills and fine motor activities. By using scrap paper to cut shapes or pictures, young students can learn and develop the muscle memory needed for more intricate tasks such as writing or drawing.

Cutting Activities for Preschoolers

There are many different types of preschool cutting activities that you can do with your little learners.

Here are just a few ideas to get you started:

Monster Hair Cutting Activity

This is a great activity for kids who are working on cutting straight lines. To teach kids how to cut, start by drawing a line down the center of the paper. Then, add zigzag lines or other shapes on each side of the center line.

After that, invite them to go cut paper out along the lines you’ve drawn. Provide a scissor that is comfortable for your child’s hands to perform the activity.

As they cut, encourage them to make the monster’s hair as wild as they want. After they’ve finished cutting, they can add googly eyes or other features to their monster.

Octopus Scissor Practice Activity

This is a fun activity that helps kids practice cutting on a curve. For this activity, any type of paper will work.

For example, you can have the kids cut out different shapes or even letters. Then, instruct them to glue the shapes onto the paper and cut them out.

Peacock Craft Activity

It’s another activity that requires kids to cut on a curve. To set up the activity, you’ll need some construction paper or cardstock, scissors, and glue.

First, start by cutting a peacock shape out of the paper. Then, invite your child to cut out different shapes for the feathers. They can use their scissors to make curved or zigzag cuts.

After they’re done cutting, encourage them to glue the feathers onto the peacock. This is a fun activity that helps kids practice their scissor skills.

Tulip Craft Activity

This is a great activity for kids who are working on their cutting skills. To set up the activity, you’ll need paper, scissors, and glue.

First, have your child start by cutting a tulip shape out of the paper. Then, invite them to practice their scissor skills and cut out different-sized circles for the tulip’s petals.

After that, have them glue the circles onto the tulip. This is a great way for kids to practice cutting on a curve.

Pumpkin Cutting Activity

This is a fun activity for kids who are working on their cutting skills. For this activity, you’ll need paper, scissors, and glue.

First, have the kids cut out a pumpkin shape from the paper. Then, encourage them to practice their scissor skills and cut out different-sized triangles for the pumpkin’s seeds.

After that, have them glue the seeds onto the pumpkin. This way, they can practice cutting on a curve.

Witch’s Hat Cutting Activity

This is a fun activity for kids who are working on their cutting skills. For this activity, you’ll need black construction paper, scissors, and glue.

First, have the kids cut out a witch’s hat shape from the paper. Then, encourage them to practice their scissor skills and cut out different-sized strips for the witch’s hair.

After that, have them glue the strips onto the witch’s hat. This way, they can practice cutting on a curve.

Wrapping Paper Cutting Activity

This is a fun activity for kids who are working on their cutting skills. For this activity, you’ll need wrapping paper, scissors, and tape.

Start by having the kids cut out different shapes from the wrapping paper. Then, encourage them to practice their scissor skills by cutting out strips for the wrapping paper.

After that, have them glue the strips onto the wrapped present. It’s a great way to craft a gift with recycled materials and for kids to practice their cutting skills.

Spaghetti Cutting Activity

This is a fun activity for kids who are working on their cutting skills. For this activity, you’ll need cooked spaghetti, scissors, and a plate.

First, start by having the kids cut the spaghetti into small pieces. Then, encourage them to practice their scissor skills and cut the pasta into different shapes.

After that, have them glue the pasta onto the plate. It’s a great way for kids to practice their cutting skills.

Fingerprint Cutting Activity

This is an excellent scissor skills activity for kids who have started the cutting practice. To begin, provide your child with a piece of paper and some washable ink pads. Invite them to make fingerprints all over.

After they’re done, encourage them to cut out the fingerprints. This is a great way for them to practice cutting on a curve.

Snip the Lines Activity

This is a simple activity that can help kids practice cutting straight lines. To set up the activity, you’ll need a piece of paper and a black marker.

Start by drawing a bunch of straight lines on the paper. Make sure to leave some space in between each line.

After that, invite your child to make small snips on the lines. As they snip, encourage them to make the cuts as straight as possible.

If you want to make the activity more challenging, you can also add curves or zigzag lines.

Caterpillar Cutting Activity

Encourage your kid to cut out five or six circles to assemble into a caterpillar. After that, let them stick the circle as the “head” a little higher than the rest and give it a smiley face.

To make it more interesting, they can glue on googly eyes and pipe cleaners for antennae. This activity is cutting fun and perfect for kids who started to get the hang of cutting skills.

Tips to Get Started with Cutting Activities

Asian student child boy carefully to cutting the paper by scissors.

Here are a few tips to help you get started with cutting activities:

Start with Simple Shapes and Lines: Encourage them to draw lines or cut out shapes before moving on to more complicated cuts. This will help your child to get the hang of cutting and will build their confidence.

Use a Variety of Materials: This will help to keep your child interested and engaged in the activity.

Be Patient: Cutting activities can be challenging, so be sure to give your child plenty of time to practice.

Encourage Persistence: Cutting can be frustrating, but it’s important to encourage your child to stick with it.

Increase Challenges: As they get more practice, you can challenge them with more difficult shapes or patterns.

Have Fun: Cutting activities can be a great way for you and your child to bond and have fun together.


Cutting activities for preschoolers can have a lot of benefits for your child. Not only will they be developing their fine motor skills, but they will also be improving their hand-eye coordination. In addition, these activities can also help your child develop emotionally.

Cutting activities are a great way to help your child develop their fine motor skills. With a little practice, your child will be cutting like a pro in no time!

There are a number of great ideas from which you can choose the best-suited ones for your little one. To find an amazing resource for cutting activities, you can check online or in your local bookstore. So, don’t hesitate to give them a try as these are really helpful in developing your child’s motor skills.


Cutting Activities for Preschoolers – Team Cartwright. (2022). Retrieved 24 June 2022, from

Cutting Practice for Preschoolers: 45 Easy Ideas. (2022). Retrieved 24 June 2022, from

6 Easy Preschool Cutting Activities to Build Scissor Skills at Home. (2022). Retrieved 24 June 2022, from

25+ Cutting Activities for Preschoolers. (2022). Retrieved 24 June 2022, from

Scissor Skills Spaghetti Sensory Play. (2022). Retrieved 24 June 2022, from

Simple Cutting Tray- Preschool Scissor Skills Activity. (2022). Retrieved 24 June 2022, from

Got Scissors?!. (2022). Retrieved 24 June 2022, from

21+ Exciting Cutting Practice Activities for Preschoolers – HAPPY TODDLER PLAYTIME. (2022). Retrieved 24 June 2022, from

Fun Cutting Activities For Kids. (2022). Retrieved 24 June 2022, from

Why are scissor skills so important? – bestchance Child Family Care. (2022). Retrieved 24 June 2022, from

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